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- 10 rem binary saver v3.0
- 20 rem designed by brandon corfman
- 30 rem
- 40 rem * initialization *
- 45 if a=0 then a=1:load"dir.obj",8,1
- 50 poke 650,0:hx$="0123456789abcdef":s=54272:fori=0to15:pokes+24,i:next
- 55 poke 53281,11:poke 53280,0
- 60 rem * main menu *
- 70 print"[158][147] [176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 80 printtab(5)"[221] [194]inary [211]aver v3.0 [221]"
- 90 printtab(5)"[221][196]esigned by [194]randon [195]orfman[221]"
- 100 printtab(5)"[173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 110 print"[159] [198]1 [146] - [211]ound : ";:if sf=1 then print "[158][207]n[159]":goto130
- 120 print "[158][207]ff[159]"
- 130 print" [198]3 [146] - [206]umbers : ";:if nf=1 then print "[158][200]ex[159]":goto150
- 140 print "[158][196]ecimal[159]"
- 150 print" [198]5 [146] - [195]opies : ";:if cf=1 then print "[158][205]ultiple[159]":goto170
- 160 print "[158][207]ne[159]"
- 170 print" [198]7 [146] - [211]ave [205]emory [194]lock"
- 180 print" [198]2 [146] - [211]end [196]isk [195]ommand"
- 190 print" [198]8 [146] - [209]uit to [213]p[212]ime[158]"
- 195 print"[152] [208]ublished by [211]oftdisk [208]ublishing, [201]nc.[158]";
- 200 getz$:ifz$=""then200
- 210 ifz$="[133]"then290
- 220 ifz$="[137]"then1450
- 230 ifz$="[134]"then320
- 240 ifz$="[135]"then350
- 250 ifz$="[136]"then380
- 260 ifz$="[140]"then1560
- 270 goto200
- 280 rem * change sound flag *
- 290 sf=1-sf:ifsf=1thenprint""spc(19)"[207]n ":goto200
- 300 print""spc(19)"[207]ff":goto200
- 310 rem * change number flag *
- 320 nf=1-nf:ifnf=1thenprint""spc(19)"[200]ex ":goto200
- 330 print""spc(19)"[196]ecimal":goto200
- 340 rem * change copy flag *
- 350 cf=1-cf:ifcf=1thenprint""spc(19)"[205]ultiple":goto200
- 360 print""spc(19)"[207]ne ":goto200
- 370 rem * ask parameters for save *
- 380 print"[147][198]ilename: [159]";:l=16:gosub730:fi$=in$
- 385 if fi$="" then 60
- 390 print"[158] [211]tarting address: [157][157][157][157][157][159]";
- 400 ifnf=1thenl=4:gosub970:sa=a:goto420
- 410 l=5:gosub850:sa=val(in$)
- 420 ifsa>65534thenprinttab(9)"[150][201]nvalid starting address[145][145][145][145]":goto390
- 430 print"[158][197]nding address + 1: [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][159]";
- 440 ifnf=1thenl=4:gosub970:ea=a:goto460
- 450 l=5:gosub850:ea=val(in$)
- 460 ifea>65535orea<=sathenprinttab(9)"[150][201]nvalid ending address[145][145][145][145]":goto430
- 465 printtab(9)" "
- 470 printtab(6)"[201]nsert save disk into drive"
- 480 print" [211]pace [146] [159]to continue, [198]1 [146] [159]to abort"
- 490 getz$:ifz$<>" "andz$<>"[133]"then490
- 500 ifz$="[133]"then 60
- 510 rem * save program *
- 520 print"[147]"tab(12)"[215]riting file ..."
- 525 printtab(11)"[207]ne moment, please"
- 530 sys57812fi$,8,1
- 540 poke193,sa-256*int(sa/256):poke194,int(sa/256)
- 550 poke174,ea-256*int(ea/256):poke175,int(ea/256)
- 560 sys62957
- 570 gosub1120
- 580 ifsc=1thensc=0:goto520
- 590 ifcf=1then670
- 600 rem * single copy option *
- 610 printtab(13)"[208]rogram saved!"
- 620 printtab(9)"[158][193]nother program? ([217]/[206])"
- 630 getz$:ifz$<>"y"andz$<>"n"thengosub1330:goto630
- 640 ifz$="y"then70
- 650 goto60
- 660 rem * multiple copy option *
- 670 printtab(7)"[201]nsert disk for next copy"
- 680 print" [211]pace [146][159] to continue, [198]1[146] [159]to abort"
- 690 getz$:ifz$<>" "andz$<>"[133]"thengosub1330:goto690
- 700 ifz$="[133]"thensf=.:goto620
- 710 goto520
- 720 rem * string input *
- 730 in$=""
- 740 print"[166]";
- 750 getz$:ifz$=""then750
- 755 if z$=chr$(34) then 750
- 760 ifz$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 770 iflen(in$)=lthen820
- 780 ifasc(z$)=20andlen(in$)>0thenin$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1):goto810
- 790 ifnot(z$>=" "andz$<="z")then750
- 800 in$=in$+z$
- 810 print"[157]"z$;:goto740
- 820 ifasc(z$)<>20then750
- 830 in$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1):goto810
- 840 rem * decimal input *
- 850 in$=""
- 860 print"[166]";
- 870 getz$:ifz$=""then870
- 880 ifz$=chr$(13)thenprint"[157] ":return
- 890 iflen(in$)=lthen940
- 900 ifasc(z$)=20andlen(in$)>0thenin$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1):goto930
- 910 ifnot(z$>="0"andz$<="9")then870
- 920 in$=in$+z$
- 930 print"[157]"z$;:goto860
- 940 ifasc(z$)<>20then870
- 950 in$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1):goto930
- 960 rem * hex input *
- 970 in$=""
- 980 print"[166]";
- 990 getz$:ifz$=""then990
- 1000 ifz$=chr$(13)andlen(in$)=4thenprint"[157] ":goto1080
- 1010 iflen(in$)=lthen1060
- 1020 ifasc(z$)=20andlen(in$)>0thenin$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1):goto1050
- 1030 ifnot(z$>="0"andz$<="9")andnot(z$>="a"andz$<="f")then990
- 1040 in$=in$+z$
- 1050 print"[157]"z$;:goto980
- 1060 ifasc(z$)<>20then990
- 1070 in$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1):goto1050
- 1080 a=.:fori=1to4
- 1090 l%=asc(mid$(in$,i,1)):l%=l%-48+(l%>64)*7:a=16*a+l%:next
- 1100 return
- 1110 rem * error checker *
- 1120 open1,8,15
- 1130 input#1,en,em$,et,es:close1
- 1140 ifen<>0then1160
- 1150 return
- 1160 ifen=63then1200
- 1170 ifen=74then1260
- 1180 gosub1390:print"[196]isk error!"
- 1190 print""en;em$;et;es:end
- 1200 print"[196]isk error! [198]ile exists!"
- 1210 print"[210][146]eplace or [193][146]bort?"
- 1220 getz$:ifz$<>"r"andz$<>"a"thengosub1390:goto1220
- 1230 ifz$="a"then1560
- 1240 print"[210]eplacing file ...":open1,8,15,"s0:"+fi$:close1
- 1250 sc=1:return
- 1260 print"[196]isk error! [196]rive not ready!"
- 1270 print"[210][146]etry or [193][146]bort?"
- 1280 getz$:ifz$<>"r"andz$<>"a"thengosub1390:goto1280
- 1290 ifz$="a"then1560
- 1300 open1,8,15,"u;":close1
- 1310 sc=1:return
- 1320 rem * bell sound *
- 1330 ifsf=.thenreturn
- 1340 pokes+1,40:pokes+5,9:pokes+6,9:pokes+4,33
- 1350 fori=1to40:next
- 1360 pokes+4,32:fori=1to400:next
- 1370 return
- 1380 rem * error sound *
- 1390 ifsf=.thenreturn
- 1400 pokes+1,10:pokes+5,9:pokes+6,9:pokes+4,33
- 1410 fori=1to40:next
- 1420 pokes+4,32:fori=1to400:next
- 1430 return
- 1440 rem * send disk command *
- 1450 print"[195]ommand: ";:l=29:gosub730
- 1460 open1,8,15
- 1465 if in$="" then 1490
- 1467 if in$="$" then print"[147][159]":sys 49152:goto 1490
- 1470 print#1,in$
- 1490 printtab(5)"[158]";
- 1500 get#1,a$:printa$;:if a$<>chr$(13) then 1500
- 1505 close 1
- 1510 print" [159][208]ress [210]eturn [146][159] to continue ";
- 1520 getz$:ifz$<>chr$(13)anden=.thengosub1330:goto1520
- 1530 ifz$<>chr$(13)anden>0thengosub1390:goto1520
- 1540 goto70
- 1550 rem * end program *
- 1560 print"";:printtab(11)"[193]re you sure ([217]/[206])"
- 1570 get a$:if a$="n" then printtab(11)"[145] ":goto 200
- 1580 if a$<>"y" then 1570
- 1590 a=0:for i=32768 to 32775
- 1600 a=a+peek(i):next
- 1610 if a<>859 then print"[147]":end
- 1700 sys 8*4096+4